This fabulous De Sede DS 11 modular corner sofa has been well used and a number of the panels were damaged. It also sat in direct sunlight so had suffered from some sun fading.

We needed to replace the damaged panels but we wanted to maintain the integrity of design and ensure the restoration was as seamless as possible.

After replacing the damaged panels we refinished the entire sofa to ensure it blended. The sofa was returned to the happy owners to continue its life as a family favourite.

The DS 600 is the flagship of De Sede. This one has a lot of wear and some tear. We have restored it by replacing some of the leather and then restoring and refinishing the remainder

De Sede DS 600 before restoration
De Sede DS 600 before restoration
De Sede DS 600 before restoration
Note the torn leather
De Sede DS 600 during restoration
DS 600 in the workshop
Fully restored DS 600
Back in pride of place!

The De Sede DS 85 is a simple fold up sofa bed. This one has been well used!

We have replaced the leather and some of the internal padding to bring it back to being gloriously useful!

De Sede DS 85 repair
Before restoration
Heavily worn De Sede Sofabed
Heavy wear!
De Sede DS 85 repair
Every panel needs replacement
De Sede sofabed new leather
Back at home with beautiful new leather
De Sede restoration
Opened as a bed