by barry | Jun 17, 2023 | sofa restoration, Uncategorized
What a nightmare!You come downstairs in the morning to find a sheepish looking spaniel with a bit of leather in its mouth… Look at the state of this! Help! Dog ate my Chesterfield! This sofa now requires a bit of a re-build…The eaten foam will be...
by barry | Aug 10, 2015 | Uncategorized
These Wasilly chairs came to us with leather hanging off… All straps have been made from scratch with contrasting stitching… They are now fabulous again! For Eames Chair restorations click here
by barry | Dec 5, 2014 | Uncategorized
We had never seen one of these in the flesh until a couple of weeks ago, and now we have been asked to restore 3 of them! This one just needed a bit of tlc to the cushions and straps… The next two are tan in colour and require repairs, new latex foam cushions...
by barry | Nov 4, 2014 | Uncategorized
This sofa has been sitting in a conservatory… Aniline leather is unsealed, and thus unprotected from UV damage, it fades extremely quickly in sunlight. Re-colouring it is notoriously difficult to get right as the leather was originally dyed in trays rather than...
by barry | Nov 4, 2014 | Uncategorized
Our client was looking after his daughter’s dogs. They weren’t very popular after tearing the arm of one of his Chesterfields apart! His budget didn’t stretch to having the arm re-upholstered, and so we have repaired it using leather bonding and...